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Slimlock Retainer Clip (SWR-1)


SlimLock Retainer Clip For Sw50-36L

Mounting bracket for SlimWedge Series tillage tools. Bolts to the toolbar shanks allowing SlimWedge tools to be installed and removed without tools or hardware.

Part # Slimlock Retainer Clip (SWR-1)
Category Agriculture
Type Field Cultivator Sweeps
Attachment Method Slimwedge
Shape Clip
Description Slimlock retainer for SW50-36L
Product Category Accessories, Chisel Plow Sweeps, Spikes and Shovels, and Twisted Chisels, Deep Tillage Sweeps, Field Cultivator Sweeps, McKay Empire Slimwedge System for Chisel Plows, Slimwedge Adaptor Clips to fit Chisel Plows, SlimWedge System

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